God in the Midst of the Storm

  This story is one of the more remarkable ones I have ever heard and most certainly ever had the privilege to share on the air. For starters, Maddie Walters lost her entire immediate family in a tornado that rocked OH in early June of 2010. She was only seven at...
Be One!

Be One!

We are heading into our Spring Sharathon April 12-15th and our theme is Natalie Grant’s song “Be One!” Our goal is $75,000, and we want to do something FUN this time around! We are asking you to give AHEAD of time, either online at proclaimfm.com and...
Nominate us for Best of Toledo!

Nominate us for Best of Toledo!

Do you feel that Proclaim FM is the best in Toledo? The Toledo City Paper is looking for nominations for their annual “Best of Toledo” contest! You can nominate us every day through October 18th. To submit a nomination, visit toledocitypaper.com. Scroll down to Radio...


I have been privileged to serve alongside the amazing ministry of Compassion International through the years. Traveling to third world countries and seeing the Children’s Projects first hand is not only eye-opening, but life changing. It is always preferable to...