I had the pleasure of having Ron and Dianne Earl in the studio this past Wednesday. If you missed it, no worries! I have you covered! First, lets get to know this amazing couple!

Ron and Diane Earl


I just really want you to hear this story. It will:
1. blow your mind
2. build your faith
3. cause you to pray more fervently
4. give you HOPE
5. get you fired up (if you aren’t already).
Thank you, Jesus for your promises and thank you Ron and Dianne Earl, for sharing this beautiful part of your earthly/heavenly life. May the hearer really hear!

His story can be found in the second chapter of the book, “Miracles Are For Real: What Happens When Heaven Touches Earth
by James Garlow(available on Amazon)

And now, without further adieu, here is the interview. I pray it blesses you.